Robyn Blodgett

Northwest Houston

Artist Website

Social Media

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Creative Disciplines and Mediums

  • Gold Leaf
  • Acrylics
  • Photography
  • Writing


Robyn was born and raised in Houston, Tx to an American father and Filipino mother. Growing up around the Filipino side of her family she caught herself surrounded by and admiring artistic and talented family members, but never felt like she could dive into the art world.

After struggling with mental health issues (such as depression and anxiety) for a decade of her life, in January 2018 Robyn made it her goal to take her power back into her own hands by doing everything she believed she couldn’t do or she was afraid to try. In March of 2018, she caught herself saying “I wish I could paint. I can’t do that.” That was the moment she took a brush to canvas and her life and mental health were never the same again.

Art made her begin to live her life through the idea of “authentic living & intuitive expression.” As an intuitive artist, Robyn rarely has an idea of what she is going to create. Instead, she steps up to a canvas with nothing but a feeling she wants to express, an experience she wants to relive, process, understand and learn a lesson from.

Robyn believes in the power of authenticity and vulnerability and with that Robyn’s reason for creating is to continually discover her freedom, her voice, her vulnerabilities, her strengths and her weaknesses for the sole reason to know, understand and love her ever changing authentic self so that she may continue to connect with people who see apart of her journey in their lives.

Artist Statement

As an intuitive artist my process of creating is used to meditate, process and learn from my subconcious mind and experiences.

My art is used as a catalyst to growth by expressing my emotions or blockages that are flying under my conscious radar in order to deepen my self awareness.

I allow myself to create freely – free from perfectionism and overthinking in order for the most authentic version of myself to be expressed into my paintings.