Malia Gomez

she / her / hers

Museum District

Artist Website

Curiculum Vitae

Social Media

  • Instagram

Creative Disciplines and Mediums

  • Multi-disciplinary, mixed media, oil, and acrylic.


Malia Gomez is a Filipino-German American was, born in Honolulu, Hawaii. She currently lives and works in Houston, TX.

Artist Statement

I practice in a variety of mediums and explore various themes that include the illusion of light, sensory perception, mark making, and mental health.

My practice is an ongoing investigation about these topics, they offer me endless possibilities to create visually engaging paintings, sculptures and light installations to exercise one’s senses. ​
My current body of work, ‘Anxiety Monster’, is very much an intersection of art and psychology. My intention is to cultivate the audience’s senses and create work that encapsulates them in a meditative setting. Overloading the senses is a healthy visual exercise and the easiest way to cultivate a state of mindfulness.

Humans are naturally drawn to light and vivid colors because it stimulates their senses. Exercising one’s sensory perception, through the incentive of art, is the first step toward mindful meditation- a medicine for the mind.